Happy Birthday Daddoo!

Today is my dad’s birthday!  We are actually heading to NJ for a quick weekend to celebrate with him and my family!

October 2009 141
My dad really loves Rufio.  He threatens to steal him on a regular basis.  I less than love that idea!

So, I just wanted to share a few quick facts about my dad, just for fun!  Oh, and he does know about the half marathon in May.  I knew he knew about the blog, but I didn’t think he checked it or anything.  OOPS!

  1. My dad is an incredible musician.  He plays 2 different kinds of saxophone, flute, clarinet, and shofar.  He was a musician in Manhattan in the 70s.  He wore butterfly collar shirts and had a fro.  Killer.
  2. My dad is a former marathoner and triathlete.  He had to stop when he hurt his knee, and then his back.  He raced all over the tri state area, and was known for throwing elbows at people who got in his way.
  3. He took up rock climbing in his late 50s, and climbs regularly when his schedule permits.
  4. When my parents first got married, his idea of dinner was a bottle of Coke, and a bag of Oreos.  As we grew up, it became hot dogs and baked beans.  Now he is a total foodie, who loves to grill, and is really inspired by Bobby Flay.
  5. My dad is also an amateur photographer.  He used to do a lot of photography, then stopped, but got a ridiculously amazing camera when he and my mom went to visit my brother in Italy his junior year of college.  I’m jealous.
  6. I think he enjoys doing yard work.  I think it’s weird.
  7. He makes a KILLER margarita.  It will knock you off your feet.
  8. He has a bad sweet tooth.  Anything with nuts and fruit covered in chocolate is a winner for him.
  9. Though he doesn’t compete anymore, he is a serious rider.  He takes spin classes regularly (waking up at 4:30 a.m. to commute to work at the corporate office of a gym chain, and then works all day after class), and rides year round with his trainer in the garage.  He sets up a laptop in the garage and does video spin classes and will yell “giddyup, giddyup, giddyup” to pump himself up.  It has woken me more than once.
  10. My dad’s idea of a quality movie includes the Nerds series, Porky’s and Animal House.  For real.

ry%3D400 Happy Birthday Dad!

What’s a fun fact about one of your parents?  Anything fun going on this weekend?

Don’t forget about my Horizon chocolate milk giveaway!

13 Responses

  1. Happy birthday to your dad! I loved reading 2, 4, and 8

  2. I love fact number 9!
    Random fact about my mom that I love is that she’s been a 6am swimmer for about 20 years. I think that’s awesome. Every time yearly events come around she mentions the people in the 90-100 category and how she’ll be one of those people one day.
    Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad! Fun facts about your dad. That is so nice that you would honor him on your blog. As for my parents, hmmm, fun fact about my mom…she is an accountant, just like her dad and they worked together from the time she became an accountant until he passed away last year, literally until the day he had a stroke (he was on his way to work). They seriously worked in the same office every day for years (although I think once my mom left for a year or 2 and then came back to their office, but I can’t be sure, I was younger ya know).

  4. Happy birthday to your dad! Love the random facts- sounds like a great guy. Enjoy your weekend together!

    Hmmm. Fun fact about my dad- he has taught English in Sweden, Norway, Italia, Slovenia, Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Also a DIY king!

  5. your dad sounds like an amazing person. Happy Birthday to him. Have a great weekend.

  6. happy birthday to your dad!!

    my mom used to be a comedian, i always brag about that 🙂

    post more wedding pics!! you look gorgeous, and I don’t think I’ve seen any on the blog

  7. Happy Birthday to your dad! My dad bikes the 60 miles round trip to work 4 days a week! And he’s 60!

  8. Happy Birthday to your dad.

  9. I love that your dad was known for throwing elbows, thats awesome as sometimes I would like to clothesline someone lol. He’s a rockstar in my book for that.

    My parents have known each other since they were toddlers and while dating in college, my dad rented a monkey and had it delivered to my moms house. She freaked out, her family freaked out, the money broke some stuff and then he left (with handler). I love hearing this story since my dad and I have the same sense of humor and my mom is a little highstrung to say the least so I can just imagine her in that situation!!

  10. Happy BIrthday to your Dad! That is so neat that he still spins and he use to ride!!

  11. What a sweet post! Happy birthday to your daddy daddoo! lol.
    My dad used to be a university professor teaching Chinese before he got his calling to be a pastor! My mom was planning to be a biology professor…until daughter-in-law duty called!

  12. aw this is adorable!! your dad sounds like such an amazing person ❤ my dad was on the UNC fencing team! haha



  13. Oh my gosh, I just found your blog through Shaka’s blog, but this post cracked me up! I used to call my dad “daddoo” when I was little. Thanks for bringing back funny memories!

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