Got Milk?

I feel like in the blog world that milk-and I’m talking about real dairy milk-is frowned upon or something.  Everyone is all about their substitutions, though no one is afraid of dairy (cheese?  Greek yogurt? case in point).  I’ve been wondering why?  Why does everyone seem so anti milk?  Or am I over generalizing?


The reason I bring it up is because suddenly, Solomon and I seem to want milk ALL.THE.TIME.  We each drink at least one glass a day, which is bizarre.  We always, always have milk in the house, but usually a small container.  I used to put a few splashes of it in my coffee (never in my tea!), until I switched to drinking my coffee black.  I don’t eat a lot of cereal, and when I do I would rather mix it with yogurt than pour in milk.  Solomon eats cereal, so other than my little bit for coffee, that was really all we were using milk for.  Oh, and for smoothies for Solomon (I usually stick with soy or almond milk).

I know there are arguments for both sides of drinking milk.  I found them all over the place, though I think many are general knowledge.  Here are some of them:


  • It can help you to avoid osteoporosis, hypertension, and colon cancer.
  • Drinking milk protects you from tooth decay and cavity problems.
  • Milk provides natural vitamins and minerals helping you stay healthy and fit.
  • Milk is a great antacid.
  • Milk is loaded with calcium that helps your bones, teeth, nails and hair grow strong and flexible.
  • Milk has proteins that may help muscles rebuild after workouts, and minerals that help prevent cramping.
  • A diet rich in high calcium foods may cut the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS in half.
  • It is suggested that the protein in milk helps improve sleep quality and next day alertness.


  • Only babies of various animal species drink milk, it is unnatural for humans to drink it.
  • Cow’s milk is designed to feed calves. 
  • Proof that dairy sources of calcium are required for strong bones is week.
  • Studies suggest and increased risk of some cancers from having too much dairy.
  • Other vitamins help with and play a key role in bone health.

I’m not advocating for either side, I just wanted to present some facts.  The truth is, even though I’m loving milk now, chances are within a few weeks I’ll be totally over it, and will not have milk for weeks or months.  I tend to go in cycles.  I do not think going dairy free is for me, but I certainly respect anyone who has made the choice.  The bottom line is, at the end of the day, I’m not thinking about the benefits or dangers of drinking milk, I’m just thinking how cold and yummy it tastes to me.  Would I consider trying to go dairy free before saying it’s not for me?  Absolutely!  Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, right?!

Someone else who loves milk?  Rufio!  I don’t know why we were drinking out of college party cups, I just roll with it.

Now, please excuse my ridiculous laugh…

So I want to know…what are your thoughts?  Are you dairy free or a milk drinker?  Do you know of any other pros or cons of drinking milk or dairy in general?  What kind of milk do you use if you stay away from dairy milk?