Oats My Way!

I’m not necessarily a creature of habit, but I love oats for breakfast.  I usually eat oatmeal 5-6 times a week.  The best part is that oatmeal is so completely customizable, that I can have a different combination every time, and I never seem to get sick of them.  I’m a big steel cut oats fan, and used to make a big pot every few days, for both myself and my husband to share.  In the past few months I began experimenting, and found a combination that keeps me even more full than regular steel cut oats.

First I bring 4 cups of water to a boil.  To this I add:

-1/3 cup steel cut oats
-1/3 cup oat bran
-1/3 cup wheatberries

I let this come to a boil, and then set the pot to simmer, stirring it occasionally.  The oats are done when they are thick and well, oat consistency.

This morning I put what was left of a Justin’s Nut Butter squeeze pack in the bottom of the bowl.  I figured the hot oats would make it super melty and yummy.


I then added my oats, a little flax and some Trader Joe’s organic Superfruit:


The perfect filling breakfast with a side of grapes (see the PB sneaking out of the side?).  Now it’s off to the gym, at 9:30.  So sad, I need a job!

Boy Meets Grill

My dad is seriously the Grillmaster.  He doesn’t have a shirt or an apron saying it, but it’s true, the man rocks at grilling.  He and my mom will spend hours preparing an amazing grilled feast on weekends.  It’s cute because they cook together, and prep together and it’s so sweet to see them.  What’s also amazing is my dad wasn’t much of a cook before this (a meal was hot dogs and beans), but since he starting grilling, he has become a total foodie, who loves to spend time in the kitchen, and really appreciates a great meal.  The love of the grill started with one cookbook, Boy Meets Grill, by the amazing Bobby Flay (amazing, really…if you are in NY go to Mesa Grill).  Since getting that book, my parents have gotten almost all of Bobby’s books, and made some spectacular things from them.  Their grilling is so amazing that friends will ask me and my brother when they can come over for dinner, because it is that good.

As for us, we are still breaking in our first grill, and loving everything that comes off of it.  We stayed in tonight to relax and made a fantastic feast on the grill.  First we grilled some ciabatta bread (a little olive oil on the bread), and topped it with a sauteed onion and mushroom mixture.


For dinner we had asparagus, grilled onions (EVOO, S&P on the grill…amazing!), salmon burger (for me, with horseradish mustard which is delish) and chicken for Solomon (citrus chili marinade, again from Bobby Flay).


The star of the show however was the corn.  The amazing, amazing corn.  My parents make a lot of different flavored butters, and I decided to make my own today.  I took some Smart Balance light (it is parve and was created at my alma mater) and mixed in some chipotle chili powder, and Tabasco Chipotle until it was all blended.  We spread this on ears of corn, and wrapped them up in tin foil.  These went on the grill for 20 minutes, and came out so amazing, that we both wish we had made more.  Try this corn, it will knock your socks off!


What you don’t see in this picture is Rufio with his head in my lap waiting for anything to fall.  The corn was too good to let a single kernel drop! I ate all of the veggies and about half of the salmon.  I love when the veggies are the best part of dinner.   Off to relax with the hubby, and wait for our first houseguests tonight!!  I guess we should do a best of Meadville tour with them tomorrow!

Fresh From the Farm Bounty!

Since we moved out to the country, we’ve been saying we want to join a CSA so we can support local farms and farmers, keep costs down, know where our food is coming from, and try out some new things.  We haven’t done this yet, but do know some people who are members.  Once of Solomon’s co-workers has been nice enough to share some of their vegetables with us.  They have given us 2 cabbages, 2 green peppers and the cutest little eggplant you have ever seen.


Could that little egpplant be any cuter?  Seriously, it’s the size of my hand!!  In addition to this, we have 2 sweet potatoes and a sweet onion in our veggie bowl.


We are going to cook at home tomorrow night, and don’t know what to do with all of these veggies!  We’re not opposed to buying more veggies or foods to make a meal, but we want to use these too!  Any suggestions for some great dishes we can make with our veggies?

‘Round the Web

In the News:

180 lb. model’s nude photo rocks fashion world.  Goodbye scary skinny models, and hello REAL women!
Healthy diet has Gonzalez in shape, ready to shine in Atlanta.  If you put the good stuff into your body, you’ll reap the benefits.  How a pro football player’s vegan-based diet has enhanced his performance.
Don’t wait, get help for insomnia before it’s a habit. Why getting your shuteye is so important, and what you should do if you have trouble sleeping.
Wait…Am I Younger Yet? Foods and tips to help slow down the aging process and keeping you looking and feeling your best!
The Pistachio Principle.  Real approaches to healthy eating!

Round the Blogosphere:

Melinda is giving away some healthy coupons.
-Jessie Hawkins is giving away a Vitamix.
-Megan is giving away some Larabars.
-Fit Bottomed Girls is giving away a copy of Core Fusion: Thighs and Glutes.

Anything else in the news or great giveaways to share??

Rufio vs. The Balloon

Even though he put up a good fight, the balloon won.  Rufio demanded a rematch, twice, and everytime the balloon wins.  Hilarity ensues…